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May 11, 2012

Day 88 May 11, 2012

It's been a while...I know I am slacking. A lot of the time, I just don't have anything significant to write about. But this week has been CRAZY! I feel like I could write a book! I won't complain, I am going to put a positive spin on everything and learn from it all. That is my new philosophy in life. Well here goes!

First of all, Congratulations to my little sister, Tiarra. Ryliegh Kay is beautiful and I can't wait to meet her!
Now, on to the craziness of the week. It's been a weird one for sure. I lost my babysitter. I feel terrible about her injury causing her to have to have surgery. She will be out for a couple of months at least. Now I have my little trouble maker at work. I don't know how to pay for a different babysitter, as I am getting daycare assistance through SRS and have to have someone with SRS watch him. I am getting tired of waiting for Child Support Enforcement to get things done, so maybe finally I could get some help from Bentley's father. So I need to call them today and see what the hold up is. I am at a loss to figure that one out yet. The babysitter thing is really eating at me, I can't bare the thought of taking B to someone that neither of us know. It would break my heart and the thought of it almost brings me to tears. It's one of those problems that can't get solved right away and it just builds up in my mind and kills me slowly.
Another thing that I am struggling to figure out is my car. On Wednesday I had yet another blowout. We got the donut on the car and drove it back out to the house and when I went to go to work this morning, low and behold, the car was dead AND the other tire was flat. I just can't catch a break! This week I got my income tax return back and I was planning on buying Nathan's car and he was going to take mine and fix it up for himself. Well it was a good plan in the beginning. My first priority with the money was to pay off all my debts. I paid off my loan at the bank and then I paid off the debts on my credit report. I thought I was done at that. Well I was wrong. I found out that I needed to pay a month of my old energy bill because the new tenants neglected to get their own crap taken care of, then I found out that I was being sued by another debtor that wasn't on my credit report. This debt was one that wasn't even my fault! I am going to rip Dish Network another butt hole! So anyway I used the car money to pay that off and now I don't have enough money to buy Nathan's car. So now I am stuck with a car that only has two functioning wheels and a plethora of other problems. My only option I can think of it to use the rest of the money to fix what I can with my car.
I think the moral of the story is not to make plans, and don't take things for granted. One day you could have everything going good and in a week, everything could be upside down. I am managing to control my feelings about all of this, but I did have a little bit of a mini meltdown a bit ago. I was getting so angry that I had to actually write down all of the anger I had built up inside and it really did help. So I learn something new every day. I can put a positive spin on some things. :) One thing I do know is that life will go on, and everything will be OK. I'll figure it out. When I do, I will let you know how it goes!

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